Sunday, November 19, 2017

How to stop Windows Automatic Restarts for no apparent reason?


Many hardware driver or operating system errors will cause the computer to display a specific error message before stopping the operation or shutting down the computer. However, if the Automatically restart option is enabled, an error message might not be displayed despite an error taking place. Disable this option to allow the computer to display the error message.

Follow these steps to disable the automatically restart option:

1.      In Windows, go to My Computer and use right click. Now go to Properties option.
2.      The basic information of your computer screen will appears. Search for System Protection and click on it.
3.      View advanced system settings tab.
4.      Click Settings in the Startup and Recovery section.
5.      Remove the check mark next to Automatically restart under System Failure, then click OK
6.      Restart the computer

So The computer no longer restarts automatically when a problem occurs. Instead a blue screen appears with more useful information. You can search for a resolution using the information when the blue screen error.

If you are still unclear about the above steps, watch the video steps below:

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